The present study is an attempt to assess the water quality of Sabke reservoir for irrigation purpose. Water samples were collected from thirty(30) different locations along the reservoir i.e. upstream, midstream and downstream for the determination of fifteen (15) physicochemical parameters following standard methods, based on these analyses, some irrigation parameters like SAR, RSC, PI, and KI, were also calculated following standard equations. The data ranged from 8 to 8.4pH, 68 to 110µmhocm-1, 43.52 to 70.4mgL-1TDS, 14.1 to 129.5NTU turbidity, 23 to 24.4°C temperature, 30 to 95 mgL-1 total hardness, 16 to 52 mgL-1Cl-, 5 to 85 mgL-1 HCO-3, 0 to 60mgL-1CO3-2, 5.6 to 22mgL-1Ca2+, 0.5 to 9.5 mgL-1 Mg2+, 3.09 to 3.74mgL-1Na+, 0 to 0.74mgL-1 PO-43, 0.055 to 1.01mgL-1 NO3-, -0.55 to 1.27meqL-1RSC, 0.16 to 0.32meqL-1SAR, 27 to 148meqL-1PI, and 0.08 to 0.26meqL-1KI. Based on the guideline by FAO (Food and Agricultural Organization) interpretation of water quality for irrigation, the results of analyses and assessment of water quality from Sabke reservoir revealed that they are suitable for irrigation purposes.
Keywords: water quality, irrigation, Sabke, Reservoir