This paper sought to compare the performance of different distribution models in flood for ecasting using twenty six years rainfall data of the study area (Zaria) as input variables. The study is necessitated following past flooding events in the area Gumbel, Log Pearson T ype III and Chegodayve's distribution models were employed in the modeling with the view of recommending the best fitting curve for the area. Extreme values of rainfall data obtained from Nigerian Meteorological Agency, Aviation Zaria, were used for the analyses. From the result of analyses of the twenty six years rainfall data (1989-2014), using different distribution models to predict rainfall depth that may cause flood in the area when compared to the true meteorological readings of the area, Log – Pearson T ype III model produced the greatest correlation coefficient (0.90) as well as least deviation (0.1507). The average annual rainfall (AAR) for the twenty six years return periods for Gumbel, Chegodayve and Log Pearson are 1553.59, 1389.39 and 1 161.69mm respectively . Based on the AAR values, Log Pearson's produced AAR that is nearer the meteorological value of 1034.34mm. The error difference for Gumbel and Chegodayve are 15% and 20% respectively in terms of their correlations with respect to Log Pearson's. At any return period (X), based on the model, the rainfall depth can be determined and compared with the available meteorological values, for flood prediction and forecasting in the area. It is recommended that more gauging stations be installed in Zaria so as to have a wider coverage and a model that will simulate the entire catchment.
KEYWORDS: Probability distribution model, Recurrence interval, Average annual rainfall, Gumbel, Log Pearson, Chegodayve, Meteorological readings.