Recent hygiene and sanitation efforts in Nigeria have been quite useful in helping to alleviate the challenges of open defecation and deepening acceptable hygiene and sanitation behaviour in many rural communities. However , their successes at the urban areas are still doubtful. In reality , while Nigeria has been projected to contribute 37% of the world population growth between 2014 and 2050 alongside China and India, much of this population growth is largely concentrated around the urban peripheries and slums associated with high intensities of water and sanitation related challenges. This paper suggests a futuristic approach that shapes the right hygiene and sanitation Knowledge, Attitude and Practices (KAP) of communities at the transition stage from rural communities to urban areas to ensure the sustainability of such KAPat the long term. The aim is to determine whether new hygiene behaviours adopted by a community during CLTS implementation can influence futur e settlers in the community as it is transformed into an urban setting. Drawing lessons fr om the experiences of selected communities in Chikun LGA of Kaduna State, the paper finds that the status of a community declared as an ODF community has a positive impact on the future sanitation culture and behaviour of communities as they transform into urban settings.
KEYWORDS: CLTS, sustainability , urban, peri-urban, ODF , Chikun, hygiene behaviour .