In Nigeria, groundwater is the most widely utilized source of freshwater for consumption and other domestic uses, as well as for irrigational purposes but its quality still remains a major issue.
Seventeen (17) groundwater samples were collected and analyzed to determine its suitability for consumption and for irrigational purposes. Major cations and anions concentrations in the groundwater were recorded with average values for Ca2+, Mg2+, K+, Na2+, CO32-, HCO3-,Cl-, NO3-, SO42- as 20.76 mg/l, 7.10 mg/l, 1.80 mg/l, 41.00 mg/l, 0 mg/l, 3.4 mg/l, 0.75 mg/l, 0.01 mg/l, 1.20 mg/l respectively. Average TDS, pH, Conductivity and salinity values were 2282.66 mg/l, 7.52, 4.76 mS/cm and 2.4 respectively. Piper, Durov and Schoeller plots of the chemical constituents of the groundwater revealed that Na-HCO3 is the most dominant water type within the study area. Based on Wilcox’s classification, with respect to percent sodium (%Na), 11.8% of the groundwater samples were considered “good” for irrigation, 52.9% were permissible, 29.4% were doubtful while 5.9% were unsuitable for irrigation purposes. On a general note, the groundwater quality of Zing and Environs with regards to its chemical constituents can be considered safe for drinking, other domestic uses, also for irrigational and other agricultural purposes.
Keywords: Groundwater, irrigation, Quality, AAS, Zing, Environs, Taraba State