This paper discusses the preliminary investigation of a proposed dam along Mayo Ine River in Mayo-Ine- Ngurore, Northeastern Nigeria. The objectives are to ascertain the competency or otherwise of the rocks and soils of the area, determine depth to rock level and to suggest appropriate tr eatment necessary if need be. The method used was
Electrical resistivity survey , and was carried out before drilling; this was to narrow down the number of drill holes and also to cut cost of foundation investigation. It involved marking out 3nos profiles at 100m intervals along the likelihood areas to be dam axes, as centerline, upstream and downstream lines; and run 24nos vertical electrical sounding (VES) using Schlumberger array on them. Of the 24nos VES locations, 16 have 3nos layers (sandy-silty clay; gravelly- sandy- silty clay; and basement rocks), while the remaining have weathered rocks overlying the basement as the 4th layer . The method revealed that the depth to basement at the river channel was about 18m.This is close to 22.2m obtained during the geotechnical investigation that followed the geophysical method. It was then concluded that few numbers of test holes be drilled along these profiles to correlate the inferr ed depths and lithologies.
KEYWORDS: Basement rocks, Geophysical sounding, Schlumberger array, Lithology, alluvial