Rivers play a very important role in economy and agriculture, but due to climate change and improper management, river catchments are losing their natural water recharge capacity. This study was undertaken to find out the trends and variability of rainfall and discharge at the Malabu section of River Kilange. Rainfall and discharge time series data (1987 to 2013) have been analyzed in this study. Pearson's Product Moment Correlation was used to assess the association between mean monthly rainfall measured through conventional method and Internet-based rainfall data at Yola and Malabu respectively. Relationship assessment between rainfall and discharge was also done by undertaking Pearson's Coefficient of Correlation. It was found that mean monthly rainfall and discharge were strongly and positively correlated (r=0.873, P=0.001). Analyses of 27 years data (1987 to 2013) indicate annual mean rainfall for both Yola and Malabu stations are characterized by downward trend, whereas the mean annual discharge for the same period at the Malabu hydrologic station showed upward trend. Climate change and improper land management may have influenced the present condition, where the long-term rainfall and river discharge indicate uneven trends. It is therefore recommended that landuse management strategies be put in place to curtail further environmental degradation in the River Kilange catchments.
KEY WORDS: Discharge, Kilange, paired samples test, Pearson's Correlation and rainfall.