The aim of the research is to investigate the determination of the hydraulic characteristics (K and T) of an aquifer, using electrical resistivity survey only, i.e., where no borehole information is available. In view of this, 4 VES points were investigated, and 2 boreholes drilled. The boreholes will serve as control or check for the results obtained from electrical resistivity survey. The Transmissivity values got from the VES interpretation were compared to those from the pumping test, and a fair degree of correlation was found. However, the Transmissivity values got from VES interpretation are generally higher than those determined from pumping test. The difference may be as a consequence of the boreholes supplying water at restricted capacities due to pore blockages and experimental errors. It is hoped that the difference will reduce with time as the boreholes become clearer and cleaner. It can also be concluded that the permeability increases with decreasing resistivity and increasing thickness in weathered hard rock aquifers. Although, the study has further shown that thickness of the aquifer has a more significant role to play in deciding the magnitude of Transmissivity.
KEYWORDS: Transmissivity, Permeability, Hydraulic Conductivity, Aquifer, Electrical Resistivity Method, Jere, Kagarko.