An attempt to determine the quality and quantity of groundwater for domestic and agricultural purpose in a proposed dam site was undertaken. The area is underlain by the Precambrian Basement Complex Crystalline rocks which include; schist, Migmatite and granite. All the hand dug wells in the area are shallow ther efore tap water from soft overburden aquifer. Physical parameters of groundwater were measured in-situ. These are pH ranging from 4.14 to 6.38 with an average of 4.97; EC ranging from 24 to 242 µS/cm with an average of 88 µS/cm; temperature ranging from 26 to 290 C with an average of 270 C; and TDS ranging from 12 to 125 mg/l with an average of 44 mg/l. Based on mineralization (TDS), water in the area is fresh water (mineralization < 1000 mg/l). Based on the conductivity, the water is excellent for irrigation (conductivity < 250 µS/cm). Static water level in the area ranges from 0.2 m at Okkon and 6.7 m at Kogin Taru-Koro with an average of 3.45 m during the rainy season; and 2.4 m at Okkon and 7.8 m at Kogin Taru-Koro with an average of 5.1 m during dry season respectively. The total static water resources of the drainage basin of the proposed Dam site are 57 x 106 m3, while that of the study area is 17 x 106 m3. The total dynamic water resources of the proposed Dam site is 76 x 106 m3 /a, while that of the study area is 8,418,000 m3/a, which is sufficient for domestic and agricultural purpose in the area.
KEYWORDS: Hydrogeological, groundwater, dam, water resources.