Groundwater quality was obtained by analysing water samples from 22 hand dug wells at different locations for both physical and chemical parameters. The work was carried out studying various geological formations by analysing hand specimen of different rock samples and through thin section analysis, geological map of the study area was updated. Groundwater configuration maps using various measurements obtained from the wells were also obtained. Results show that the area has fine to medium grained biotite granite, ignimbrite and migmatites. The groundwater flows are parallel to the hydraulic gradient and perpendicular to the water table contours and flows from area of recharge to area of discharge. The depth of water table is thicker at the recharge area and thinner at the discharge area. The concentration of all elements analysed fall within the WHO standard except for nitrates which ranges between 6.0 to 12.0mg/l but falls above WHO standards. This is due to organic sources and agricultural practices in the area. Schoeller and Piper plots show that the water types to be the NaSO42- and the Ca (Mg) HCO3 water type and belong to freshwater classification.
Keywords: Groundwater quality, Dutsen wai, Groundwater configuration maps